Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts Bushel of Apples Done!

Can I say, Hallelujah!!!! Time has flown this year as usual, and it's been so crazy! I fought the good fight though and won the battle over time versus life and finally finished this piece. I actually started this painting last summer, but the initial layers of paint were so scary I didn't think I could pull it out. I saw the painting sitting on my shelf last week and decided that by hook or by crook I was going to conquer this challenge and here's the result.
I love to use the gallery wrap canvases as they are a fun challenge to paint around. Funny thing, when I started this painting I was going to try and be loose and free flowing with my painting to make more of an impressionistic painting. The realist in me kept coming out though. So now I need to find a matte and frame for my donation piece for the silent auction part of the show this weekend.
No, this is not a painting, it's a photo I took. I love the vibrant colors and the black center so this or a similar one may end up as a painting later on. Should be a fun challenge!

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