The best way to start the Christmas season in Utah is to go to Temple Square in Salt Lake City. Hundreds of workers spent many hours checking bulbs and wrapping strands of lights around trees and bushes on Temple Square and the effect is breathtaking! We went there last night after having gone to a movie, "Australia", which I highly recommend. Then we went to the La Cai restaurant for Vietnamese Pho soup, which is a rich broth with loads of noodles, chopped green onion and strips of beef. You add fresh bean sprouts, Thai basil, a squeeze of lime, fresh jalapeno slices and for my family lots of Sriracha sauce and feast on the heavenly fare. The bowls are huge so I never can finish mine, which is fine as this makes a great breakfast too! So then we went downtown and joined the hundreds of other people wending their way slowly to the square where the lights were so clear and twinkly. They have several Creches on display, as well as hand cut luminaries with greetings in many different languages, that lined the stone flower beds. Believe it or not, there were still some hardy pansies blooming in the beds. It was relatively warm for this time of year so many folks had light jackets on and the atmosphere was festive yet peaceful. A must see if you ever come this way during the holiday season.