Monday, December 7, 2009

It's Ho Ho Christmas Time!

We have a new term around our home, "Ho Ho Christmas". My oldest grandson ( I actually have 2 now) calls everything related to Christmas "Ho Ho Christmas". When we play with play dough he asks me to make a Ho Ho Christmas tree for him and so it goes. Aaaah, the joy of having him
close! I wish the other grandchildren were closer as well, but I will take what I can get for now.
Do you think perhaps the reason Emmett came up with "Ho Ho Christmas" has to do with all
the Santa figures that keep popping up around my home? No..... it couldn't be that.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheryl, Your santas are wonderful. I especially like the painting on wood. And I love to hear your "Emmett' stories. My grandson is 18 now & I really miss the little boy he used to be. Sigh...
Hope all is well. Have a Merry Christmas...oh I mean a Merry Ho Ho Christmas!

Smiles, Debbie